Sandusky Vacation
This past weekend we went to Sandusky for a four day vacation just to get away. Thursday we went to Cedar Point, Friday we went to Soak City, Saturday we hung out and went to Island Adventures, and Sunday we went to the African Safari Wildlife Park and then came home. It was a lot of fun and Syd seemed to really enjoy herself, especially because our hotel had an indoor and outdoor pool, which she visited everyday we were there. We have a lot of pictures so I've split it up over the days we were there. We have no pics from Soak City because we didn't bring the camera or our phones, but I'm sure you can imagine we had a great time. Syd was in heaven with all the waterslides, raft rides, lazy river rides, and the wave pool. It was like a dream for her.
Anyway, in the following blogs you can see what we did at the other places.