Safety Town
Syd participated in Safety Town this year. It is a two week program (2 hours a day M - F), where kids who are 5 and 6 learn about how to be safe in all kinds of areas of life. They learned about poisons, stranger danger, fire safety, water safety, dangers of electricity, litter, etc. Officer Brad and Officer Quinn helped to teach the kids who also got to ride in the back of a police car and hold a fire hose while the water was running. The kids also learned about traffic safety and got to ride around in little go-cart type things in the "town" learning about stop signs, street lights, right of way, etc. Syd's teacher, Mrs. Morrow, is a first grade teacher at Woodland elementary, which is where Syd will be going this fall for kindergarten so she'll know at least one teacher there. Safety Town took place at Woodland too, so Syd should feel comfortable in the environment. The class ended with a graduation ceremony on the last Friday. Syd received a certificate saying she graduated and each class got up and sang a song and then the kids were individually introduced. I have the ceremony on video and someday I may make the effort to take some snippets out to put on the blog, but for now you'll have to believe me when I say, "Syd was very cute." She had a lot of fun, so it was definitely worth the experience.
The only picture I got was this one. I happened to get there early to pick her up and her class happened to be outside listening to the animal control guy discussing rabid racoons.