Thanksgiving at Great Wolf Lodge
The Burns clan decided to make a repeat visit to the Great Wolf Lodge in Sandusky for Thanksgiving. This was our second annual trip. This year, in addition to Grandma and Grandpa Burns, Aunt Shana and Uncle Derek came along with Zane and Scarlett. We spent a lot of time swimming. The three of us got there around 2:00 on Wednesday and Syd immediately wanted to start swimming. Grandma and Grandpa got here about 2 hours later and the Nold family got there around 7:00. We all swam again in the evening and then, of course Thursday morning. Then we enjoyed the buffet feast the lodge puts on. Then Grandma and Grandpa and the Nolds left, but we stayed to do some more swimming. In all, we were there for about 27 hours and 9 of those were spent in the water. Syd went on every slide in the place and really had a ball. Below find some pictures including Syd and Zane enjoying some strawberries, Grandma and Grandpa (taken by Syd), a family picture, and good-bye hugs from Syd and Zane.