Syd's 4th Birthday was really low key. We celebrated at home. She got some really great presents. She's opening one below.
You may notice her arm's in a sling. She had a bizarre injury at school the other day. A "friend" at school either twisted, slapped, or hit her arm (the story changed throughout the day). He said he pinched her. They said she was fine four about half an hour after it happened, but then it apparently hurt so bad that she wouldn't move it and was crying on and off for about an hour before they called me to see what I wanted to do . There were no marks on her arm or hand, but she was holding it and not using it at all. I picked her up and brought her home unsure as to whether it was a "real" injury or one she was playing up. It was sort of hard to tell, especially since they said she was fine for a while. She wouldn't let anyone touch the arm and it looked okay to me. I got her to take a nap thinking she was very tired (she hadn't slept much the night before and I thought that may be why she was so upset). I tried touching it while she was sleeping and in her sleep she winced and cried out. So, I figured it must be real and called to make an appointment at her pediatrician's. By the time we got to the doctor's the arm and wrist were swollen a bit and red. The doctor thought it could be a fracture in her wrist or hand after checking her out, told us to go get x-rays, and gave Syd the sling (though she refused to let anyone touch her arm so she screamed and yelled any time I got close to her with it). So, Syd and I went to Toledo Hospital and got the x-rays done, which was horrible because they made her hold her hand in all different positions and she screamed the whole time from pain. We waited while the tech checked them and he didn't think there was a fracture so they sent us home and said a doctor would call us with the final results. They didn't end up finding anything and within a couple of days she started using it a bit more and finally gave up the sling. We're still not sure exactly what was wrong, but she got through it and we all had another exciting experience.