Sydney's Space
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Friday, March 23, 2007
Syd at swimming...
Syd is still taking swimming lessons. She has been in the YMCA swimming lessons program since she was 11 months old. Up until about a year ago she was in class with Zack, but about a year ago she moved up to a class without parental help. She has been doing great in the lessons and we realized we didn't have any recent pictures of how great she is. So, here are a couple (including her "diving" off the starting blocks).
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Spring is Coming
Yesterday was a great day! The weather was warmer and we saw a lot of sun. We spent most of the day outside as you can see.
We started by playing outside for a while. Syd and Zack played a game of street hockey. They used a paper towel box from Sam's Club as the net... very professional. Syd's looking pretty good on her rollerblades.

We also gave Dani a bath. She was pretty dirty (and smelly) after not having a bath all winter. As you can see from her face, she was really pleased with getting a bath.

We finished the day with a trip to the Toledo Zoo. We're so excited that it's zoo weather again. We had a great time as usual. We got to see them feeding the penguins. That was pretty cool. By the end of the day, Zack got tired and Syd had to push him in her stroller.

Monday, March 05, 2007
Bowling again...
We went bowling again yesterday. Interstate Lanes ( has a Sunday deal where you pay $14 for a lane for an hour and shoes are included for anyone playing. You can add a second hour for $7 more. It's a really good deal... the best they have. We got the two hour deal and bowled about 3 1/2 games. Syd sort of checked in and out at times, but still seemed to have a pretty good time. Check out Zack's form...

Sunday, March 04, 2007
Our Ski Trip to Mt. Brighton
Saturday (3/3) we went a little bit north of Ann Arbor, MI to Mt. Brighton ( to go skiing (Zack went to snowboard). For the most part we had a lot of fun. It's a pretty nice place (though the intermediate hills were about the same size and challenge as the easiest at Whiteface Mtn.). They have quite a few hills and there was a good amount of snow. It actually started snowing while we were there, which was really nice. Syd and I skied, while Zack snowboarded. The only downside was that they only had tow ropes on the slopes we could take Syd on (and that Zack could board on) and Syd couldn't use them on her own. So, I had to put her between my legs with her holding on and pull us both up on the tow rope. That got pretty exhausting after a while. The other downside was that since Zack was boarding I had to bring Syd down every time. So, I didn't get to ski at all on my own (something I would like to do to try and improve). So every trip up the hill was with Syd between my legs while I held onto the tow rope for both of us and every trip down the hill was with Syd between my legs, me hunched over holding her hands. She had a ball and can't get enough of the speed, but my arms and back were hurting by the time we got done. The only real downer of the day was when Zack got a little too cocky on his board and plowed over Syd and me at the bottom of the hill. And this may have not been as bad if Syd and I knew he was coming, but we had just gotten to the bottom of the hill when he came from behind us taking my legs out and causing me to fall on top of Syd (who was actually under me and Zack at that point). After some hysterical crying (from Syd) and words exchanged (from me) we all walked it off and got back to skiing.
I wish we had pictures to add, but we didn't bring any cameras. You'll have to imagine it.