Playing catch up...
It's been a while since I posted anything. I figured I had better catch everyone up on things. We have had a couple of exciting events in the last week or so. Last weekend we went to cousin Zane's first birthday party. It was a blast and he was as cute as could be. The best moment was when he decided to dive into the cake.

Syd has been home with me all week so we've been staying busy doing different activities around town. Monday we did some last minute shopping. Tuesday we went to the Toledo Museum of Art with our neighbors from either side (Jess, Audrey, & Keira and Amy, Brody & Cade). They have this very cool play area and crafts that the kids can do. They all made a sun and moon with paper, glitter paint, markers, glue, and a number of other things. There is also a paint station where little artists can create masterpieces. Syd had too much fun in the play area to take advantage of that. She spent most of her time "making dinner" in the kitchen area, putting on a puppet show in this very cool little stage area they have, and building things with wooden blocks. We had a lot of fun. Unfortunately I completely forgot to take pictures. We also got to play outside that afternoon since the weather was so nice.
On Wednesday, we had a full day of activities. We started our day at the Children's Wonderland in Maumee. It's this annual Christmas event that has been taking place for years and years and years. Santa was there taking Christmas orders and pictures, but Syd wouldn't go tell him what she wanted for Christmas. It's a shame too, there was no wait at all. We both had a lot of fun and, as you can see below, I actually remembered to take pictures.

After Childern's Wonderland we decided to go down to the Bowling Green mall to play a little. They have this area at one end of the mall called Woody's World (the mall is in Wood County and the toys and stuff are supplied by the Wood County Hospital). As you can see, Syd had fun there too.
And again, we were able to play outside later that afternoon with the weather being so nice.
Today, Thursday we went skating down at BGSU from 12 -2. They have what they call Cheap Skate. It was great, there was barely anyone there so we basically had the ice to ourselves. As usual we had a great time skating. Syd's getting better every time. She's actually gliding now, shifting weight from foot to foot.
Well, that's about it for now. Tomorrow we're going for haircuts and then hanging out at home. I'm hoping the rain stops so we can get a little time outside again.
I should have some good stuff after the first to fill you in on. Christmas Eve we go to Grandma & Grandpa Burns' house, Christmas Day we drive to see Grandma & Grandpa Capwell and have dinner with the whole family. Then on the 27th we're taking a ski trip to Whiteface Mountain in New York state's Adirondack Mountains. It's Syd's first time skiing so it should be fun. We'll also be doing some sight seeing in Lake Placid (where the 1980 Olympics were held). They still have a lot of the stuff from the Olympics and a museum that documents it all. We will also be able to skate on the ice rink where the Olympic athletes skated. And, the Women's Olympic Hockey team will be there doing drills that we can go watch. We may even be able to get some autographs. As I said, I'll have more for you after the new year.
Have a safe and happy holiday. See you next year!