A Phenomenal Christmas
Hey we're back and we have lots to share with all of you. We had a great Christmas Vacation.
Christmas came early for us. Because we knew we'd be at Grandpa & Grandma Burns' house Christmas morning, Santa came a day early and delivered presents for Christmas Eve morning. Syd's favorites were her new Matchbox cars and her Christmas Bear (which was the only thing she asked for when anyone asked what she wanted for Christmas). We had a great morning filled with lots of presents and good cheer.
Later that day, Christmas Eve, we went to Grandma & Grandpa Burns' house for dinner and celebration. Uncle Derek, Aunt Shana, and cousin Zane were all there as well. Syd and Zane got to open plenty of presents and then had a ball playing in Syd's new green frog tent (another favorite gift). There was even a chocolate volcano for desert.

We stayed overnight at G & G Burns' house and then drove on to Grandma & Grandpa Capwell's house on Christmas Day. Christmas night we had dinner with the whole Capwell/Bouwens family and Syd got to open even more gifts. Syd got a little silly by the end of the night.
The next morning we opened more gifts with Grandma & Grandpa Capwell. Syd's favorite among these being the guitar and microphone set she got from G & G Capwell. She spent quite a bit of time singing Jingle Bells and other Christmas classics putting on a great concert for all of us. She's performing a guitar solo below. We have videos of this as well. If you're interested, request them.
The next day, December 27th, we drove to Wilmington, NY for our ski trip at Whiteface Mountain. I've created a separate post for that... check it out.
All in all we had a great Christmas and Syd received an unbelievable amount of presents. Thanks to everyone!!!
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