Another fun-filled weekend...

This past weekend was another fun one for the Burns family. Friday and Saturday night we went to a hockey game at BGSU. They played Lake Superior and lost Friday, but won Saturday. Our neighbors, the Pavlicas, went with us both nights as you can see from some of the pictures. Friday night Syd got a new BGSU hockey hat (see picture) and Saturday night we went to Miles after the game for great food.
Sunday Zack, Syd, and I went ice skating at the BGSU arena. We bought all of us some skates at Play It Again Sports (used are much cheaper than new). We decided we want to make this a weekly family event so we figured it was cheaper in the long run than renting skates for all of us every week. Sunday afternoon I went and picked up a helmut and elbow pads for Syd. Everyone we've talked to says she should have them just in case. The people who give lessons at BG require kids her age to have them so we thought we'd be safe and get them. She looks pretty cool in the whole get up. I'll have to take a picture of her next weekend when we go and post it. Jason and Brody from next door ended up coming skating near the end and we ran into one of Syd's friends from school (Donovan) and his grandma so we had a lot of fun. Syd's starting to get the hang of it. She gets frustrated too easily and gives up too soon, but we figure by the end of the season she should be on her way. She says she's having fun, that's all that matters.
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