Trip to Cleveland to see Grandma & Grandpa Burns

So I'm finally getting around to writing about our trip to see Grandma and Grandpa Burns, Aunt Shana and cousin Zane. Saturday September 16th we went to Cleveland to celebrate Grandpa Burns' birthday on the 15th and Grandma Burns' birthday on the 19th. In addition to spending time with them we also got to hang out with Aunt Shana and Sydney's cousin Zane, who's looking cuter everyday. We had some amazingly good ribs that Grandpa Burns cooked and other goodies including some very delicious Hello Kitty cupcakes. Syd played a lot in Zane's swing and wagon and loved romping around the woods with Daddy and Grandpa. We also played baseball and football. Aunt Shana even pitched to Syd. We topped the night off with a fire and smores. We all had a lot of fun and it was well worth the trip. Syd doesn't get to see either pair of grandparents enough and times spent with them are really cherished. We're planning another trip back to Cleveland soon. I know Syd is looking forward to it.
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