Sydney's Haircut
A while back Syd told me she wanted to get her hair cut shorter. When I asked her how short she said she wanted it to be like Amy's (one of her preschool teachers). I said okay, no problem, but wasn't sure she'd actually go through with it when it came time to get it cut. For the last couple of weeks she has been telling me over and over that she wanted to get it cut, so I finally made an appointment and we went on Monday to get it cut. Even as we walked into the hair salon I wasn't confident that she would go through with it. But sure enough she told Abby (the woman who does our hair) she wanted it cut shorter. So Abby and I helped her decide on the right length and off went the hair.
As most of you know, Syd didn't have much hair at all until she was about 2 and didn't have hair past her shoulders until she was almost 3. So, I think this was harder on me than her. I hated to see the hair that took so long to come in being cut off. But, she really looks cute with her new doo and we don't have to do ponytails anymore, which is very cool.
The only teensy problem we're having now is that she takes her bath at night before bed and has been going to bed with damp hair. When we were putting it in the pony that was no big deal because it was all pulled back, but now without a pony her hair is sticking up all over the place when she wakes up in the morning. So, we're working on finding a solution for that. Otherwise, everything is much easier... no ponies, less tangles, easier shower after swim class, etc.
This is her right after she got it done. Isn't she the cutest?

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